Octavia Carbon

Octavia Carbon

Using Direct Air Carbon Capture to stop climate change and reinvent humanity's relationship with carbon. In Africa. Learn more
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Early VC
Total Funding€364k

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Octavia Carbon is an innovative startup based in East Africa, specifically focused on addressing climate change through Direct Air Carbon Capture (DACC) technology. The company aims to transform humanity's relationship with carbon by capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) directly from the atmosphere. This is particularly important in regions like Africa, where industrial CO2 is costly due to a lack of fossil fuel-based infrastructure.

Octavia Carbon operates primarily in the environmental technology market, targeting industries that require CO2 for their operations. One of their initial focus areas is the floriculture sector in Kenya, which uses CO2 to enhance plant growth. By providing a more affordable and sustainable source of CO2, Octavia Carbon helps these businesses reduce their operational costs and carbon footprint.

The company's business model revolves around being both a project developer and a contract manufacturer. This means they not only develop DACC projects but also manufacture the necessary equipment in collaboration with global technology partners. By doing so, they aim to lower the costs associated with DACC technology, making it more accessible and scalable.

Octavia Carbon generates revenue through the sale of captured CO2 to industrial clients. They also likely benefit from various environmental incentives and grants aimed at promoting sustainable technologies. As they scale, they may explore additional revenue streams such as carbon credits, which are tradable certificates representing the reduction of one metric ton of CO2 emissions.

In summary, Octavia Carbon is a pioneering company in the DACC industry, focusing on making CO2 capture more affordable and scalable, starting with the Kenyan floriculture market. Their dual role as project developers and contract manufacturers allows them to innovate and reduce costs, making a significant impact on both the environment and the economy.

Keywords: Direct Air Carbon Capture, CO2, climate change, East Africa, Kenya, floriculture, project developer, contract manufacturer, sustainable technology, carbon credits.